How to keep your home smelling nice!

How to keep your home smelling nice!

Thank God for Room & Linen Spritzers! I not only spray that area once a day, but I even spray  inside the shoes, and you can do this in your cupboard too.
Frankincense and Myrrh

Frankincense and Myrrh

In doing my research online, frankincense is great for treating headaches if mixed with lavender and peppermint, its great for smoothing out the skin, apply to the temples and wrists and it's a great stress reliever.
Laura McDonald
Why soy candles?

Why soy candles?

Hello soy candles! Soy candles are made from soy beans, which means, it contains no toxins or any carcinogens, and even better, they don’t trigger allergies
Laura McDonald
Burning Tips!

Burning Tips!

For safety's sake. Do NOT burn candles unattended and please keep out of the reach of children and pets.


Growing up, I was one of those kids, you know the ones that would try to change a grade D to a B, or the one that would devise a plan to create my very own telephone line in my room during my teenage years, yup-Hi I’m Laura! I